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  • nraju@saisoftsolutions.com, info@saisoftsolutions.com

Data and Analytics

Data and analytics (D&A) refers to the ways data is managed to support all uses of data, and the analysis of data to drive improved decisions, business processes and outcomes, such as discovering new business risks, challenges and opportunities.

Key Takeaways

Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to make conclusions about that information.
Data analytics help a business optimize its performance, perform more efficiently, maximize profit, or make more strategically-guided decisions.
The techniques and processes of data analytics have been automated into mechanical processes and algorithms that work over raw data for human consumption.

Understanding Data Analytics

Data analytics is a broad term that encompasses many diverse types of data analysis. Any type of information can be subjected to data analytics techniques to get insight that can be used to improve things. Data analytics techniques can reveal trends and metrics that would otherwise be lost in the mass of information. This information can then be used to optimize processes to increase the overall efficiency of a business or system.

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